Group seeks bishops’ grace in church exits

A group of United Methodists is urging bishops to allow congregations that want to do so to leave with property now — rather than wait for General Conference. “As the writer of Ecclesiastes notes, ‘For everything there is a season,’ …

Bishops offer framework for inclusive church

The Council of Bishops has cast a vision for a future United Methodist Church that transcends the labels many church members use to describe themselves. “We cannot be a traditional church or a progressive church or a centrist church. We …

Guidance for sexual harassment survivors

Too many times, Becky Posey Williams has seen it happen. A United Methodist woman contacts her in a panic because a meeting about her sexual harassment claim is approaching and she feels overwhelmed. Williams, senior director of sexual ethics and …

Conversations address going separate ways

Facing a proposed denominational separation, many United Methodists expect big decisions ahead about where they will make their church home. The proposed split comes after decades of intensifying debate over LGBTQ inclusion. Now the question before many: Do they want …