Aug 08, 2016

Scottsville UMC in Langhorne celebrated its 150th anniversary in May, a much-anticipated milestone featured in local newspapers like the Bucks County Courier Times but also in the Washington Times. Reporter Peg Quann writes about church historian Alma Willits, 94, a member of Scottsville since 1949, who fondly describes her church as “a wonderful place… There are people who care.”

ScottsvilleUMCAnnivCrowdThe Rev. Don Keller, pastor, grew up and was married at Scottsville UMC, as were his parents and his sister. His daughter will be married there in December. He welcomed eight former pastors to the May 22 celebration where a full house of members and guests enjoyed worship and a fellowship luncheon served by volunteers from nearby Langhorne UMC.

Many former members also returned for the special day to share cherished memories, pose for photos, and view artifacts and souvenirs. A 210-page anniversary booklet, published in three sectional colors, recounts many personal and programmatic aspects of the church’s venerable history, with the church’s slogan adorning its cover: “Shaping Hearts, Changing Lives.”  Learn more…

Photo: The Rev. Don Keller welcomed eight former pastors back to Scottsville UMC, Langhorne, for its 150th anniversary May 22, 2016. (Rick Kintzel/The Intelligencer via AP)