Mar 15, 2017

Wesley United Methodist Church, BethlehemAllentown newspaper The Morning Call recently shared some great news about Wesley UMC in Bethlehem—great for them and for the many people they serve through their Lehigh Valley Outreach Depot.  This ambitious church mission enterprise receives, stores and provides free, donated goods and furnishings to people recovering from crises and undergoing transitions—often people who need help reestablishing their lives. The Depot has helped nearly 3,000 area families in its nearly seven years. To double down on its good deeds, it also provides a place for volunteers to assemble donated items into disaster relief kits for distribution to areas in need worldwide.

But on the verge of losing its low-rent warehouse space, the Depot was itself in dire need of a new home. Now, after a long search, this ministry, where faithful volunteers try to be “the hands and feet of God” has taken a surprising “leap of faith,” writes Morning Call columnist Bill White. In February they bought and began refurbishing a new, larger home in an old tire warehouse in Allentown. It required a generous donation, helpful financing arrangements and a labor of love from volunteers, so that the Outreach Depot can continue to fill gaps in people’s lives.

Read this uplifting account titled “Outreach Depot finally has a new home” in the Feb. 21 issue of The Morning Call. And thanks to the Rev. Andrew Krpata, Pastor, for sharing this great story with us.