Apr 01, 2021

The Eastern PA Conference can celebrate a special anniversary in April. The weekly, half-hour prayer meetings the conference offers every Tuesday at noon by video-chat on Zoom began in April 2020, just as the coronavirus pandemic was growing. 

The Rev. David Piltz, who coordinates Young People’s Ministries for the conference, started the popular online prayer sessions. He is also our UM campus minister at Drexel University and the pastor of Valley Forge UMC. 

Bishop Peggy Johnson is a frequent attendee, as well as other conference leaders and local church laity and pastors. She will lead the first session in April. 

Attendees usually number from a dozen to two dozen. Heartfelt prayer concerns and moral support are shared, along with meditations that may include Scriptures, poetry and music. 

Upcoming Schedule of Prayer Leaders:

  • April 6 – Bishop Peggy Johnson
  • April 13 – Sue Kiefner, Certified Servant Minister at Wesley UMC Bethlehem 
  • April 20 – Rev. Dave Piltz, EPAC Young People’s Ministries Coordinator, UM Campus Minister at Drexel University and Pastor of Valley Forge UMC.  
  • April 27 – John Coleman, Director of NEWSpirit Communications (EPAC) and Pastor of Servants of Christ UMC Philadelphia

Here is the Zoom access information:
Join at: https://epaumc.zoom.us/j/591129374?pwd=dElpMUdVd09VTTBoRDZxTm9zejVqdz09
Meeting ID: 591 129 374
Or Call in: +1 646 558 8656