Pocono Plateau hosts NEJ UMVIM/UMCOR training academy

The Rev. Greg Ellis and other Eastern PA Conference mission volunteers are at Pocono Plateau Camp & Retreat Center hosting peers from across the Northeastern Jurisdiction this week. They are attending the NEJ’s combined UM Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) and …

Hurricane-battered Haiti ready for UMVIM teams in January

After Hurricane Mathew caused devastation in Haiti Oct. 4, the UM Committee on Relief (UMCOR) quickly responded with emergency supplies and other assistance to the Methodist Church in Haiti (L’Eglise Methodiste d’Haiti, or EMH) Meanwhile, UM Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) …

UMVIM Team Leader Training, Nov 12, 2017
UMVIM Team Leader Training, November 12

The Rev. Greg Ellis, Eastern PA Conference Volunteers in Mission (VIM) coordinator, announces a training for current and future VIM team leaders on Saturday Nov 12, 2016, 9 AM to 3 PM, at Asbury UMC. The cost of $35 includes …

College freshmen serve community at mission HUB

The start of a new school year always stirs concerns, even anxieties, about encountering new friends and new places. Lebanon Valley College, related to the Eastern PA Conference, attempts to alleviate those anxieties with their Freshmen Orientation program. Among the …

NC Relief - cleaning buckets
Help flood victims now through prayerful restraint

By the Rev. Greg Ellis Eastern PA Conference Disaster Ministry Coordinator We all want to be helping our beleaguered brothers and sisters in West Virginia…and Texas…and Oklahoma. And the list goes on… Turn on the news and you see devastation …