Two General Conference Information Sessions offered

A time for information and discernment The Eastern PA Conference’s elected delegation to The United Methodist Church’s General & Northeastern Jurisdictional conferences in 2024 will hold Information Sessions to share with conference members its understanding and concerns regarding general church …

New NEJ task force, consultant to study strategic direction

A new task force will study and recommend a new strategic direction for The United Methodist Church’s Northeastern Jurisdiction (NEJ), with the aid of a hired consultant. The study will consider prospects for reduction and realignment of episcopal areas, due …

Court rules on General Conference questions

The United Methodist Church’s highest court has opened the door of some new delegates to be elected to the long-postponed and potentially momentous General Conference, now set for next year. The majority of the Judicial Council also ruled that to …

Bishop Schol returns to EPA, meets with clergy

The United Methodists of Eastern PA welcome Bishop John Schol back to provide continuing coverage as our episcopal leader through 2024. At the Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference, Nov. 1-4, he was reassigned to EPA and also to the Greater New Jersey …

Jurisdictions see shift in bishops, more cooperation

Even as The United Methodist Church faces mounting disaffiliations, those who plan to remain United Methodist are collaborating more across jurisdictional lines. Jurisdictional conferences also saw more women and more people of color become bishops and the most “firsts” since …

Historic NEJ Conference seeks hope, healing amid troubles

As the UMC’s Northeastern Jurisdiction met Nov. 2-4 at the University of Maryland in College Park, Md., with the theme “One in Ministry to All the World,” host Bishop LaTrelle Miller Easterling welcomed guests from 10 conferences to “the home …

NEJ Conference to elect 2 bishops, celebrate milestones

The 21st Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference will officially convene next Wednesday through Friday, Nov. 2-4, at the University of Maryland Hotel in College Park, Md. But the 184 delegates and reserves will first gather on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 31 and …

Delegates urge hope for denomination’s future

Since the postponement of General Conference to 2024, much of the news has been about church disaffiliations and denominational divisions. No question the rhetorical punches are flying on social media and in newsletters. However, many United Methodists see no reason to …