Celebrating Clergywomen during Women’s History Month

Part 1: EPA, GNJ clergywomen witness to their ‘Wow’ moments in ministry During Women’s History Month in March, we typically commemorate women who have shaped the history of Methodism, beginning with Susanna Wesley, the mother of John and Charles Wesley. …

EPA&GNJ staff work together on Undies for Easter campaign

“Can you imagine a life with only one pair of underwear?”  This poignant question, posed by the Rev. Marilyn Schneider of the Eastern PA Conference Prison Ministries & Restorative Justice Team, underscores the circumstances faced by incarcerated individuals in Philadelphia. …

Churches honor Black History Month in special ways

A number of Eastern PA churches, especially in Philadelphia, saved the best for last by culminating their Black History Month celebrations on the last Sunday of February. There were oral and visual presentations of African diaspora history and culture, remarkable …

Undies for Easter: An act of love and a new challenge

People are responding to our Undies for Easter campaign to provide needed underwear for those entering incarceration in Philadelphia. We are halfway towards our goal for 2.000 total packages of underwear purchased. Thanks to all who have participated thus far! But …

EPA’s takes steps on its Path Towards Wholeness

The Eastern PA (EPA) and Greater New Jersey (GNJ) conferences share a common goal and collaborative strategies to End the Sin of Racism*. While GNJ calls its endeavor a Journey of Hope, for EPA it’s “A Path Towards Wholeness,” the …

EPA delivers over 11,300 donated Christmas cards to area prisons

Eight correctional facilities in our region have received 11,378 donated Christmas cards from church members and others through the Eastern PA Conference Prison Ministry & Restorative Justice (PMRJ) Team. The annual outreach effort surpassed previous totals in a near decade-long …